A lifetime of Lasting Smiles
Imagine having the perfect smile for a lifetime? This begins with outstanding hygiene practices coupled with a terrific dental house. Everybody needs their teeth for life, which is why you should make a point of caring for them. Your oral hygiene shouldn’t feel like a burden if you love your teeth.
We take oral health very seriously and are committed to making each visit worthwhile. Our objective is to assist you in attaining healthy, strong teeth for life. Our full-range dental care alternatives will give you that dazzling smile you want, and we will provide you with guidelines on the best techniques you can use to maintain that smile.
Routine Checkups
We advise that you get routine dental exams after every six months. This is beneficial for you because you’ll get an expert deep cleaning and allow your dental physician to assess the advancement of your oral health. The checkup will also enable us to intercede any prospective issues before they escalate. We are ready to talk over your worries and clarify any inquiries you may have
How To Keep Your Teeth for Life – Sacramento River Dental Group
Don’t know what to expect during the checkup? Our professional dentists will:
- Examine your gums and give a comprehensive periodontal assessment
- Look for symptoms of decay and cavities.
- Deep clean teeth, including fluoride and polish remedies
- Inspect and pinpoint any underlying dental issues
Oral Hygiene
Proper oral health takes place at the house, workplace, and school. In fact, it’s on the frontier when it comes to fighting tooth decay and bacteria. With proper oral hygiene, your routine dental checkups are little more than examinations and regular teeth cleanings. With poor oral health and after six months have elapsed, you may experience painful complications and a slew of required remedies.
Dentistry is uncommon, as dental practitioners advise their clients to adhere to practices that eliminate or prevent the need for costly dental treatments. For instance, you can reduce the number of times you visit the dentist to twice annually with proper flossing, brushing, and dental cleanliness. Without routinely employing the right dental habits, you will visit our Sacramento dentists more often!
Whether you skimp on your oral health or don’t make regular checkups with our dentists, oral pain will compel you to visit the Sacramento River Dental Group. Avoid this kind of irritating situation and keep your checkups pleasant by heeding the advice you’ve acquired in this section.
At Home Care
When you follow your dentist’s guidance and use the correct products, is easy to keep your teeth for life healthy. Selecting the right dental floss, toothbrushes, mouthwash and toothpaste can be confusing with a broad range of dental products on the market. We can recommend the best products suited for you and your smile.
When looking for dental products on your own, ensure that what you’ve selected has been given the go-ahead by the American Dental Association.
Be Proactive
To maintain your lustrous teeth for life, we recommend that you learn as much as you can and encourage you to be proactive. Learning more about your teeth is fun, and understanding the anatomy of your teeth and eruption routines is advantageous when attempting to make decisions about your oral health.
Preventing Cavities
Many of us are aware of what cavities are – vexing small holes that develop in our teeth and usually result in big complications. Here at Sacramento River Dental Group, we recognize how shocking it can be to discover you’ve got a cavity. However, this results in two very essential questions:
How do I eliminate cavities?
Cavities (our Sacramento dentists call them caries) start when acid damages the protective outer coating of a tooth and reaches the dentin. That acid gains entry either from various types of beverages and foods or various types of bacterial organisms. Before caries become apparent, you may identify it by these symptoms:
- Toothache;
- Pain while eating;
- Sensitivity to sweet, hot, or cold beverages or cold foods.
When treatment isn’t administered quickly, cavity-causing organisms can permeate the tooth, resulting in further costly complications that ultimately lead to pulling the tooth. So, what strategies can you employ to avoid tooth decay from occurring to begin with? Here are some useful pointers.
1. Brush and Floss Every Day
Chances are that you’ve heard that regular flossing and brushing help fight tooth decay. Why is this? Flossing and brushing routinely help eliminate dental plaque – a sticky substance that hosts the damaging bacterial organisms that make enamel-damaging acid. We recommend that you floss daily and brush two times every day.
Also, apply fluoride and toothpaste. This mineral strengthens your teeth and can repair small cavities that are beginning to form. If a jam-packed schedule or other variables make regular flossing and brushing a problem, bring along a portable brush and floss can with you to assist keep in routine.
2. Control Your Diet
Sports, energy, and soft drinks are your tooth’s worst adversaries. They have the acids that damage teeth and leave your enamel susceptible to rottenness. Even most fruit drinks are acidic. Steer clear of these kinds of beverages and use water.
Also, keep in mind that if you take these acidic beverages, wait for around 30 minutes before you brush your teeth. You can also rinse your mouth comprehensively with water. Or else, you risk removing the enamel already softened with the acid.
Starchy and sugary food, like candies and chipped teeth, are poor dental habits. Bacteria just thrive in a carbohydrate-abundant surrounding made by these foodstuffs in the mouth. Healthy foods (vegetables and fruits) are an excellent alternative if you’re craving junk food.
If you can’t steer clear of eating sugary desserts or candies, ensure that you brush your teeth right after to get rid of the residual sugar and food in your teeth. If you don’t have a toothbrush, rinse your mouth with mouth wash or ordinary water.
Another option: chew sugar-free gum. This makes your mouth create more saliva, which helps in washing acid and sugar away.
3. Regularly Scheduled Sacramento Dentist Visits
When you come to our offices for routine expert oral cleanings, our Sacramento dental hygienist cleans places of your teeth that you just can’t get to through routine flossing and brushing. We inspect for progressed signs of tooth decay and rectify any issues. We also suggest extra treatments to avoid tooth decay if your circumstances mandate it, including dental sealants, special mouthwashes, or fluoride treatments.
Contact us now to book a dental appointment and ascertain that your teeth and mouth are in top condition! You can reach the Sacramento River Dental Group at (916) 391-4848, or through our website.