Combining dental procedures is often a recommended approach if you wish to have multiple cosmetic dental problems addressed at the same time and achieve your desired results much faster. However, it is important to note that while some treatments can be easily performed together, others can’t. Also, there is a specific order in which these procedures need to be performed.
Here, we are going to take a look at the most common scenarios.
When Teeth Need to Be Straightened
In recent years, Invisalign® has become the treatment of choice for teeth straightening. This treatment can be performed alongside other procedures. However, it can take some time.
It is usually done first since teeth straightening takes more time than other dental procedures. However, depending on the situation, some cosmetic dental treatments can be done while wearing Invisalign® clear aligners. These include:
- Missing teeth. Sometimes, during an Invisalign® treatment, the dentist can begin preparing the gum and jawbone to receive dental implants. This helps to ensure that by the time the teeth straightening treatment is completed, the underlying bone and gum are healthy enough to receive dental implants.
- Teeth whitening. If you desire to achieve a brighter smile along with your newly straightened teeth, it is possible to use a professional strength at-home teeth whitener with the Invisalign® aligner trays. This is usually done during the final two weeks of treatment.
Once you are done with the Invisalign® treatment, you can consider other cosmetic dental procedures, such as veneers or bonding, to treat chipped, worn down, or deeply stained teeth. Porcelain veneers are an excellent choice for mild cases of crooked, misaligned, or gapped teeth.
When One or More Teeth Need to Be Replaced
If you have a tooth or teeth that need to be replaced, dental implants can be used to replace each individual tooth. Alternatively, support bridges and dentures can be used to replace multiple teeth. In case you still have most of your teeth and wish to have them straightened first, this can be done, but it will depend on the health and condition of your gums.
Nevertheless, the following cosmetic procedures can be done before or after the implants are installed:
- Teeth whitening. Whitening your natural teeth before color-matching the implant crown helps to ensure that you have a seamlessly whiter smile upon the installation of the implant. You should note that restorations such as veneers and crowns can’t be whitened later.
- Crowns, veneers, and bonding. Once your teeth have been whitened, and implants have been placed, you can start addressing other dental issues, such as deep and whitening-resistant discoloration or structural damage to your natural teeth. You can achieve using veneers, porcelain crowns, or dental bonding.
Why the Order of Cosmetic Dental Procedures is Important
It is important that your dental work is carried out in the correct order to ensure that each procedure works as intended and delivers optimum results.
If you have a mild case of teeth misalignment or only have a few crooked teeth, you can have this addressed using veneers instead of an orthodontic procedure.
Important: Conditions such as gum disease, cavities, and infection should always be treated prior to receiving cosmetic dental treatments.
After ensuring that your oral health has been addressed, your cosmetic dental procedures should be performed in the following order:
- Orthodontics. Any crooked or misaligned teeth should be straightened first.
- Teeth whitening. If needed, this should be done prior to receiving a restoration.
- Tooth replacement. Whether you opt for an implant or fixed bridge, ensure to address misaligned or stained teeth first.
- Damaged teeth. Once other issues have been taken care of, you can then address the appearance of misshapen, cracked, broken, or misaligned teeth.
Exceptional Cosmetic Dentistry Service in Sacramento, CA
If you have any personal points of contention with the appearance of your teeth, our team of expert dental practitioners at the Sacramento River Dental Group office in Sacramento is prepared to provide you with the necessary assistance to help you achieve your desired smile. Book your appointment today!